Energy Medicine
Homeopathy is a 225 year-old science that uses tiny doses of specially prepared substances which stimulate the body to heal itself. It is gentle enough to use on infants, the elderly and pets, yet potent enough to create quick, lasting relief from literally every ailment known to mankind.
About Homeopathy
The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek words 'homoios', which means like or similar, and 'pathos', which means suffering or disease. Homeopathy is then a therapy based on similar suffering. This isn't the first time in history that this philosophy of similars has been used. As early as 400 B.C. Hippocrates was prescribing hot spring baths for his patients with fever. Theoretical parallels also exist between the work of pioneers like Salk and Jenner, as they would expose the body to the very disease that they were trying to protect against (i.e. immunization). Even modern allergy treatments introduce small amounts of an allergen into the body to desensitize the patient to that same allergen.
Dr. Hahnemann was disillusioned by the state of medicine of his time. He considered many commonly used medicines to be dangerous. As he sought to honor his physician's oath of 'do no harm', he began to experiment with increasingly diluted solutions. He discovered that, through a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous agitation), the therapeutic strength (potency) of a homeopathic medicine could be increased while virtually eliminating toxic side effects. This became the unique and often confusing principle: the Law of Infinitesimal Dose, or minimal dose.
This created an apparent paradox - the more a solution is diluted, the less active ingredient it contains. So, how could a dilute solution be a more potent healing agent than the concentrated? The chemical model of pharmacological therapeutics was inadequate to explain this phenomenon. ​It turns out that physics is best suited to explain the mechanics of homeopathy and the energetics behind its activity.
Highly processed homeopathics undergo a molecular change, and these subtle changes can be observed with highly sensitive tests, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Raman-laser spectroscopy and Infrared spectrophotometry, which analyze molecular and submolecular geometry. It is now known that homeopathic remedies emit distinct, measurable electromagnetic signals, and that manufacturing alters the physical geometry of the water and alcohol solute. This is relevant because science is finally in a position to objectively measure the mechanisms of homeopathic therapeutics.
Classical Vs Combination Homeopathy
There are two different schools of thought in homeopathic circles. One is classical homeopathy, the other is combination or complex homeopathy. After 225 years, advocates for both approaches are beginning to agree that there is a time for each.
Classical homeopathy is a painstaking approach that takes years to learn and master. It involves a lengthy interview process whereby the homeopath determines every sign and symptom that the patient is experiencing. This includes physical, mental, emotional, changes, times and conditions that make the symptoms worse or better, and a host of other factors. After ascertaining the complete symptom picture, the homeopath then endeavors to match it to the exact remedy, called the simillium.
Combination or Complex homeopathy uses a combination of ingredients and potencies to get the same result. If classical homeopathy can be described as a single bullet aimed at a target, then combination homeopathy might best be likened to a shotgun blast. This is a broader approach and better suited for the busy healthcare professional. Combination homeopathy combines the most commonly prescribed remedies for a particular symptom picture into a single formula. The body, which possesses an innate biological intelligence, then selects the exact frequency that it needs to begin its healing. Much like a radio tuner tunes in to a specific frequency and ignores the rest.